
Description of carriers response statuses

SCHEDULES_FOUNDsuccessSchedules found by search criteria
SCHEDULES_NOT_FOUNDsuccessSchedules not found by search criteria
PENDINGsuccessWaiting for response from carrier schedules source
VOYAGE_REQUIREDerrorCarrier requires voyage to perform schedules search
UNEXPECTED_ERRORerrorAn unexpected error occurred
UNSUPPORTED_DIRECTIONerrorSelected direction(origin and destination) currently is not supported by carrier
UNSUPPORTED_VESSELerrorSelected vessel currently is not supported by carrier
UNSUPPORTED_CARRIERerrorSelected carrier currently is not supported
UNSUPPORTED_SCHEDULE_TYPEerrorSelected schedule type currently is not supported by carrier
UNSUPPORTED_CARGO_TYPEerrorSelected cargo type currently is not supported by carrier
MAINTENANCEerrorSelected schedule type is under maintenance
CARRIER_MAINTENANCEerrorCarrier schedules source is under maintenance
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